Secure your supply chain

OneMore Secure provides a digital service to secure the supply chain. We do this by automating follow-ups and checks of your suppliers' cybersecurity capabilities throughout the contract period.. 

Gain control over your own and your suppliers' cybersecurity through our security declaration.

Automated monitoring and risk analysis connected to your supply chain.

Digital service with unlimited number of suppliers and support at a fixed price.


The fact that partners such as OneMore Secure provide a service for supply chain security makes the work with cyber security easier. - Nina Jelver, Head of Security at the Swedish Trade Federation

Staying ahead of a cyber attack

Two-thirds of all cyber attacks can be traced back to a supplier. The effects of cyber attacks are dreadful for those affected and illustrate how vulnerable our connected society is. Organizations must start gaining systematic control over their supply chain to stay ahead of a cyber attack; turning a blind eye is no longer an option if one wishes to be a competitive business in 2024.


There is never a 100% guarantee to avoid a cyber attack but with continuous monitoring of the supply chain's cyber hygiene, the risks can be significantly minimized.

Who wants to date a person with poor hygiene?

Who wants to do business with a company that has poor cyber hygiene?

The solution!

OneMore Secure has developed an automated service that makes it easy for your organization to gain control over your cyber hygiene.


Get control of your own cyberhygiene free of charge.

As a supplier you will only answer once regardless of number of customers.

Securitydeclaration for cyberhygiene in approximately 30 minutes.

You get a security index showing your level of maturity.


Gain control of your suppliers cyberhygiene through the security declaration.

Support with onboarding of suppliers and automatic follow-up through to follow the maturity of your suppliers

A Dashboard and a comparable security index for each supplier.

An action list, an executive summary and a certficate for your organisation showing your systemic work with cyberhygiene.

Unlimited suport.

All that is included in Freemium.


With OneMore Secure, it was easy to get started and we have received great service from day 1. The collaboration facilitates our systematic work with IT Security and our supply chain. We can set requirements and follow up on our suppliers automatically without it running out of time for us. - Matsmart Motatos

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